Not your average sleep consultant…

As a first time Mum I had no clue that Sleep could change so much of my world, I was lucky that my daughter was a beautiful night sleeper, but the day time was a whole other story, I had myself a little Koala, no one and nothing but Mummy’s warm chest was a good place to sleep. 

Like most Mums of 2023 I took to social media to find answers to why my baby would only sleep on me, I was devastated to find so many people around me, telling me this wasn’t normal, I was setting bad habits, I should let her cry, I was setting her up to fail. 

I didn’t want to accept this how could this be true, generations of families have been holding their babies to sleep and we’re all still here, surely this couldn’t be true?

I got educated, I took knowledge into my own hands and learnt every thing I needed to arm myself as a Sleep BOSS for my Little one and now its YOUR turn!

Join me on a journey to be the village you deserve and learn how to be there for your little one in their sleep journey, through 1:1 consultations or through our up and coming workshops, My aim is to connect with families across the globe and work to educate you in infant and child sleep, putting the power back in your hands.